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IEEE ICTA TPC Guidelines (By Law)

 (updated: 2024.05.28)


IEEE International Conference on

Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (IEEE-ICTA)


1   Technical Program Committee (TPC)

Technical Program Committee (TPC) is the conference core team for ICTA, for conference program planning, papers selection and invited-speakers identification. It is formed by the following roles.

1.1  TPC chair is the ‘CEO’ of the conference.

1.2  Sub-committee (SC) chair and 8~12 members each SC, are selected from and responsible for each technical area in the CFP list. Currently, there are 11 technical areas in total, and around 100 TPC members are expected.

1.3  Keynote / Tutorial / Invited-program / chairs, are responsible for evaluating and selection of planned speakers and activities.

1.4  TPC chair and co-chair, are responsible for evaluating and selection of plenary speakers. During the conference, TPC chair and co-chair are also responsible for hosting the opening ceremony, the round-table forum and the banquet.

1.5  TPC and SC Chairs are to co-ordinate with the e-paper submission system, lead TPC members recruiting and TPC meeting for paper selection and program forming.  


2      TPC Chair, Co-Chair(s) and Past Chair(s)

2.1  TPC Chair, nominated by Steering Committee Chair and approved in the steering committee meeting, is overall the driver for conference technical vehicle.

2.2  Co-Chair is to assist TPC Chair in duties and the candidate for next TPC Chair.

2.3  To ensure high-quality continuity of the conference, TPC Chair is required to be familiar with and keep in loop before and after one year position, i.e., TPC Chair has continued responsibility for at least three years as TPC Co-Chair/TPC Chair/Steering Committee Chair.

2.4  TPC Chair and Co-Chairs are authorized to select SC chairs and approve their member nominations.

2.5  TPC Chair is required to update “ICTA_TPC_member_data” file with ~20% turnover each year according to the member obligation fulfillment.

2.6  TPC Chair and co-chair(s) are required to attend TPC meeting and conference.


3      Subcommittee Chair and Co-Chair

3.1  SC Chair is nominated by TPC Chair based on his/her performance in the past three years as TPC member. SC Co-Chair is selected by SC Chair.

3.2 SC Chair, associated with Co-Chair

1)    Select 8~12 members in his/her SC topics and lead the SC. Members selected should be active during last year. Also, recruit oversea members in order to make the conference more international.

2)    Submit or solicit at least two high quality papers to ICTA.

3)    Allocate paper review on E-paper system and finish the first-round review online before TPC meeting.

4)    Communicate with members for in-time paper review and selection.

5)    Attend TPC meeting and conference.

6)    Form sessions for upcoming conference with accepted papers and invited papers.

7)    Propose and form special technical/panel sessions for upcoming conference.

8)    Fail to conform to the above may dis-qualify the SC Chair.


3.3  SC Chair and Co-Chair are better with the combination of one senior and one junior, one international and one domestic.


4      TPC Members

4.1  Distribute CFP and source papers for upcoming conference.

4.2  Submit or solicit at least one high quality papers to ICTA.

4.3  Review papers in time according to criteria and ethics.

4.4  Agree to serve as a session chair or co-chair if selected.

4.5  Attend TPC meeting and conference.

4.6  Automatically be removed from the member list if inactive for one year.


5      Special Sessions

For conference high quality, several technical organizing functions are required, such as invited speakers for plenary and keynote sessions, as well as organizer for focused sessions, workshops and forums. The conference follows IEEE standard practice, i.e., invited speakers for such special sessions are not financially supported by the conference, rather he/she should register for the conference as normal, even the plenary session speakers.

6      Awards and Honors

6.1 Best Paper Award

§   Best paper awarding Chair, nominated by Steering Committee Chair and approved in the steering committee meeting, is to lead the best paper selection committee.

§   The best papers are selected by the best paper selection committee. Each SC nominates one TPC member to serve as best paper selection committee member.

§   The best paper candidates are nominated by each SC according to their ranking scores, and the number of best paper candidate from each SC is the same as their session numbers.

§   The committee will review all the nominated paper and make final decision.

§   About 5% of final accepted papers will be selected as the best paper.

6.2 Top 10 ICTA Paper Contributors

§   The Top 10 ICTA Paper Contributors are selected every five years.

§   The Top 10 ICTA Paper Contributors are selected by top 10 ICTA paper contributor selection committee. The committee is composed by Steering Committee Members, TPC Chairs, SC Chairs.

§   Author list in the paper will all be counted.


7      Conference Date and Venue

7.1 Conference Date

The conference will be held at the last week of October or the first week of November.

7.2 Conference Venue

The conference city is planned and determined by steering committee in advance. Exact conference venue is finalized by TPC Chairs and conference manager. Current year TPC meeting will take place in next year’s conference city. Future event city plan is proposed in TPC meeting.

8      Steering Committee

The steering committee is chaired by past TPC chair with members from current TPC chair, next year TPC chair, and supervisors.


9      International Advisors

The international advisors are from representees of conference relevant technical co-sponsor IEEE Societies and regional countries. They should be consulted and agreed by the steering committee.


10   Conference Manager

The conference is consistently managed by Beijing Institute of Electronics with function of conference finance, sectaries, publications, website and event local arrangement etc.





ICTA Sub-Committee (SC) and Possible Technical Areas

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Contact email: contact@ieee-icta.net
Contact phone: Haikie Liao +86-87555888 | 13739469027
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