Author registration and paper submission steps:
Step1. Author registration form: title, author(s) and affiliation(s), and statement of exclusivity. This form includes also a 30-50-word abstract (description of the subject, its importance, and how the work contributes to the field). This information is required and must be submitted via the website.
Step2. Authors must use the template provided on the above website to format their paper. The submitted paper may not exceed 2 pages total. Additional pages will charge extra fees. The file size must be less than 2 MB. For PDF files, use Distiller and select “embed all fonts”. Please note that we accept no *.doc files. Additional documents (figures, diagrams and results from verified simulations with direct or indirect measurements) are encouraged to be attached. Additional materials are not included in official publications and will not charge extra fees.
Submission deadline: July 28, 2025
Paper selection criteria:
All submissions must be in English.
Papers will be selected based on the following factors:
· Originality: The paper must be unique, significant, and state-of-the-art. Are references to existing literature included?
· Quantitative content: The 2-page extended abstract should give an explicit description of the work with supporting data.
· Quality: Clarity of the writing and figures. What is the context of the contribution to previous work?
· Interest to ICTA attendees: Why should this work be reported at this conference?